To Kashmir Quarantine is a new word, not new thing. We have witnessed lockdowns and restrictions since we're born. The worst most decade-Rise & Fall of Armed Struggle, though we haven't seen much of it but scars are still visible in the inner core of our elders. Several years, our childhood passed with virtual peace but later on authorities imposed controlled restrictions from time to time turning Kashmir into Quarantine state, so as crub our voice.

In my lifetime, I have heard the word Quarantine for first time. Not only me every one here is linked to it from ages. Though quarantine & Kashmir may seem two different things for many readersr but reality is we've been habitual of daily lockdown. Yes, it is a period or place of isolation where people or animals that arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease, are placed. Now you might be confused how it is linked with Kashmir? From generations, we're being witnessing unprecedented lockdown. In my teens, all it started with Amaranth Land issue, then The Uprising of 2010, Burhan Uprising and last year State's Special Status Abrogation. Apart from these major lockdowns, an area or village particularly in South is witnessing CASOs, restrictions & internet gag on daily basis. According to research, Kashmir tops the list of internet gag in the world. So, in quarantine persons are being kept to prevent further spread of disease. Relating with Kashmir, Lockdown & restrictions are being imposed to curb our resistance voice.

In today's world, Lockdown is new to it, so people are  facing problems to adjust with it. The feel it uneasy to stay at home for weeks long, but for people in Kashmir, we have adapted our lifestyle accordingly with it. 

For rest of youngsters like me, Lockdown simply means a period of time to be with family, eat too much beef dishes and sleep a lot of time. Though in other lockdowns, we've managed to escape fields. But this time situation is different, we've to be at homes, obey authority & follow precautions. For the first time in three decades, this is the only authorities imposed lockdown for our benefit & safety. 

Fun in Lockdown

In urban areas people have to bear it all, strict restrictions, shortage of supplies and commidties, congested areas. So they can't be more with nature as we. Rural people from my side too followed lockdown to a greater extend to prevent spread of deadly virus. 

In villages to be under quarantine doesn't mean to be restricted to your room for all time. Reality is youngsters used to go outside lonely to enjoy their quarantine. The blooming yellow mustard fields, the apple orchards with pink flowers, the meadow shore, to river catching a fish like Trout, to forests looking for Kitchh/Morels(Morchella) & Seki-bueb/mushroom(Agaricus), these are all places for rural & forest dwellers to enjoy their quarantine lonely. But on the same time, it is dangerous too, if you're accompanied by others or you pass through congested areas, then for you better is to stay at home.(to be continued in next part).

(The author hails from Anantnag)

{This article explains what is really happening at ground. It doesn't mean to break authority orders to visit outside. In Red zone & Buffer zone areas, readers are strictly advised to stay at home}

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