Submit Answers
Next Question
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padding: 20px;
background: #FAFAFA;
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#question h2 {
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font-size: 20px;
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#question input[type=radio]:checked + label {
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color: #FAFAFA;
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font-size: 20px;
#quiz-results-score b {
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font-size: 20px;
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padding: 4px 8px;
background: #9ACFCC;
color: #00403C;
font-size: 14px;
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// Array of all the questions and choices to populate the questions. This might be saved in some JSON file or a database and we would have to read the data in.
var all_questions = [{
question_string: "What color is the sky?",
choices: {
correct: "Blue",
wrong: ["Pink", "Orange", "Green"]
}, {
question_string: "Which of the following elements aren’t introduced in HTML5?",
choices: {
correct: "
wrong: ["
", "", ""]
}, {
question_string: "How many wheels are there on a tricycle?",
choices: {
correct: "Three",
wrong: ["One", "Two", "Four"]
}, {
question_string: 'Who is the main character of Harry Potter?',
choices: {
correct: "Harry Potter",
wrong: ["Hermione Granger", "Ron Weasley", "Voldemort"]
// An object for a Quiz, which will contain Question objects.
var Quiz = function(quiz_name) {
// Private fields for an instance of a Quiz object.
this.quiz_name = quiz_name;
// This one will contain an array of Question objects in the order that the questions will be presented.
this.questions = [];
// A function that you can enact on an instance of a quiz object. This function is called add_question() and takes in a Question object which it will add to the questions field.
Quiz.prototype.add_question = function(question) {
// Randomly choose where to add question
var index_to_add_question = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.questions.length);
this.questions.splice(index_to_add_question, 0, question);
// A function that you can enact on an instance of a quiz object. This function is called render() and takes in a variable called the container, which is the that I will render the quiz in.
Quiz.prototype.render = function(container) {
// For when we're out of scope
var self = this;
// Hide the quiz results modal
// Write the name of the quiz
// Create a container for questions
var question_container = $('
').attr('id', 'question').insertAfter('#quiz-name');
// Helper function for changing the question and updating the buttons
function change_question() {
$('#prev-question-button').prop('disabled', current_question_index === 0);
$('#next-question-button').prop('disabled', current_question_index === self.questions.length - 1);
// Determine if all questions have been answered
var all_questions_answered = true;
for (var i = 0; i < self.questions.length; i++) {
if (self.questions[i].user_choice_index === null) {
all_questions_answered = false;
$('#submit-button').prop('disabled', !all_questions_answered);
// Render the first question
var current_question_index = 0;
// Add listener for the previous question button
$('#prev-question-button').click(function() {
if (current_question_index > 0) {
// Add listener for the next question button
$('#next-question-button').click(function() {
if (current_question_index < self.questions.length - 1) {
// Add listener for the submit answers button
$('#submit-button').click(function() {
// Determine how many questions the user got right
var score = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < self.questions.length; i++) {
if (self.questions[i].user_choice_index === self.questions[i].correct_choice_index) {
$('#quiz-retry-button').click(function(reset) {
// Display the score with the appropriate message
var percentage = score / self.questions.length;
var message;
if (percentage === 1) {
message = 'Great job!'
} else if (percentage >= .75) {
message = 'You did alright.'
} else if (percentage >= .5) {
message = 'Better luck next time.'
} else {
message = 'Maybe you should try a little harder.'
$('#quiz-results-score').html('You got
' + score + '/' + self.questions.length + ' questions correct.');
// Add a listener on the questions container to listen for user select changes. This is for determining whether we can submit answers or not.
question_container.bind('user-select-change', function() {
var all_questions_answered = true;
for (var i = 0; i < self.questions.length; i++) {
if (self.questions[i].user_choice_index === null) {
all_questions_answered = false;
$('#submit-button').prop('disabled', !all_questions_answered);
// An object for a Question, which contains the question, the correct choice, and wrong choices. This block is the constructor.
var Question = function(question_string, correct_choice, wrong_choices) {
// Private fields for an instance of a Question object.
this.question_string = question_string;
this.choices = [];
this.user_choice_index = null; // Index of the user's choice selection
// Random assign the correct choice an index
this.correct_choice_index = Math.floor(Math.random(0, wrong_choices.length + 1));
// Fill in this.choices with the choices
var number_of_choices = wrong_choices.length + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < number_of_choices; i++) {
if (i === this.correct_choice_index) {
this.choices[i] = correct_choice;
} else {
// Randomly pick a wrong choice to put in this index
var wrong_choice_index = Math.floor(Math.random(0, wrong_choices.length));
this.choices[i] = wrong_choices[wrong_choice_index];
// Remove the wrong choice from the wrong choice array so that we don't pick it again
wrong_choices.splice(wrong_choice_index, 1);
// A function that you can enact on an instance of a question object. This function is called render() and takes in a variable called the container, which is the
that I will render the question in. This question will "return" with the score when the question has been answered.
Question.prototype.render = function(container) {
// For when we're out of scope
var self = this;
// Fill out the question label
var question_string_h2;
if (container.children('h2').length === 0) {
question_string_h2 = $('
} else {
question_string_h2 = container.children('h2').first();
// Clear any radio buttons and create new ones
if (container.children('input[type=radio]').length > 0) {
container.children('input[type=radio]').each(function() {
var radio_button_id = $(this).attr('id');
container.children('label[for=' + radio_button_id + ']').remove();
for (var i = 0; i < this.choices.length; i++) {
// Create the radio button
var choice_radio_button = $(' ')
.attr('id', 'choices-' + i)
.attr('type', 'radio')
.attr('name', 'choices')
.attr('value', 'choices-' + i)
.attr('checked', i === this.user_choice_index)
// Create the label
var choice_label = $('')
.attr('for', 'choices-' + i)
// Add a listener for the radio button to change which one the user has clicked on
$('input[name=choices]').change(function(index) {
var selected_radio_button_value = $('input[name=choices]:checked').val();
// Change the user choice index
self.user_choice_index = parseInt(selected_radio_button_value.substr(selected_radio_button_value.length - 1, 1));
// Trigger a user-select-change
// "Main method" which will create all the objects and render the Quiz.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Create an instance of the Quiz object
var quiz = new Quiz('My Quiz');
// Create Question objects from all_questions and add them to the Quiz object
for (var i = 0; i < all_questions.length; i++) {
// Create a new Question object
var question = new Question(all_questions[i].question_string, all_questions[i].choices.correct, all_questions[i].choices.wrong);
// Add the question to the instance of the Quiz object that we created previously
// Render the quiz
var quiz_container = $('#quiz');